3 Swiss Bathroom Norms We Should Incorporate Into American Bathrooms


I visited Switzerland recently and it was amazing! During our travels, my friend and I stayed in a variety of hotels and Airbnbs. They all offered something different but there were three things I noticed in every single bathroom that I thought were interesting.

A Super Deep Alcove Tub

Here in America, you don’t usually see a super deep tub unless it’s freestanding. In Switzerland, however, every bathroom had an alcove tub/shower combo with a super deep tub. Even though a lot of people want a super deep tub, not everyone has the space for both a shower stall and a freestanding tub so I thought that was a really interesting solution.

Shower Head Wand on a Bar

This one was really cool! The showerhead was mounted on a bar that could slide up or down to adjust to the height of the person using the shower. This made it easier to clean, instead of a stationary shower head. This seems like a must-have if you have a multiple person household and I can only imagine how much easier it would make cleaning up my dog, too!

Magnifying Mirror

I’ve seen magnifying mirrors in some bathrooms here but it isn’t standard like it is in Switzerland. Some were mounted to the wall with a retractable arm and some were freestanding on the counter. Either way, they make it so much easier to do makeup, pluck eyebrows, or shave. This is definitely something I’ll be installing in my own home, soon!


I always find it interesting to see what is considered the norm in other countries. Traveling is just such a great time to be exposed to new design elements that you can bring back and incorporate into your home!

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